Schweizer 300 CBI | Professional Helicopter Services

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Schweizer 300 CBI

The Schweizer 300 (formerly Hughes 300) family of light utility helicopters was originally produced by Hughes Helicopters, as a development of the Hughes 269.

Now manufactured by Schweizer Aircraft, a recent subsidiary of Sikorsky Aircraft, the basic design has been in production for almost 50 years. The single, three-bladed main rotor and piston-powered Schweizer 300 is mostly used as a cost-effective platform for training and agriculture, as well as aerial photography and sightseeing.

Cruise Speed: 75 KN (139 km/h)
Max Speed: 95 KN (176 km/h)
Empty Weight: 499 kg
Max Weight: 793 kg

Schweizer 300 CBI | Schweizer 300 CBi

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